Personal Injury

There are many causes of personal injury, but they all result in an injury that can cause pain and impact your life. At Jardin Family Chiropractic in Brentwood, CA, we offer personal injury treatment. 


What Is a Personal Injury?

Personal injury is when you experience an accident or injury that another party is responsible for. Motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of personal injury. Slip and falls are another common reason for personal injury. Accidents or injuries that occur when working can also be considered personal injuries. 

Personal Injuries that Can Be Treated by a Chiropractor 

Chiropractors can treat many of the most common injuries. Chiropractors work with the musculoskeletal system and often treat injuries to the joints, hips, spine, muscles, and nervous system. Injuries treated by our chiropractor include back injuries, whiplash, sprains and strains, neck pain or injury, and repetitive use injuries. 

Why See a Chiropractor after an Injury? 

There are a few reasons you should see a chiropractor after a personal injury. Chiropractic treatment can help relieve pain, improve your range of  motion, and speed up your recovery time. Chiropractic care is also non-invasive, and doesn't involve medications, which can cause side effects. 

You can also seek traditional medical care along with chiropractic care. These two treatments can complement each other and can help give you the best of both worlds. Our chiropractor may also combine several types of chiropractic treatments to provide the best results. 

How Chiropractors Treat Personal Injury

There are several ways we can help can treat personal injuries. The exact treatment you will need will depend on the injury and your symptoms. 

Chiropractic Adjustment 

A chiropractic adjustment, which can include spinal manipulation, is the basis of chiropractic care. Misalignments can occur due to an injury, poor posture, or simply living your life. A chiropractic adjustment can help restore spinal alignment. This can help improve pain and range of motion, and speed healing. It can also help improve blood flow and nervous system function. 

Other joints of the body, including knees, shoulders, and ankles, can also be adjusted. 

Other Treatments

Therapeutic exercises can also be beneficial. They can help strengthen your muscles and improve range of motion. Lifestyle advice may also help. Our chiropractor can give you advice on how to avoid triggers for pain and other issues

Get Personal Injury Treatment with Us at Jardin Family Chiropractic

If you have a personal injury, you want to get back on your feet as quickly as possible. We at Jardin Family Chiropractic in Brentwood, CA, provide chiropractic personal injury treatment to help get you feeling better fast. Contact us today to make an appointment. Call us at (925) 392-8290.


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